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Sunday, June 2nd, 2pm - 5pm at Project Barley

Exclusive interview with Campfire Band Weekly:

CBW: So you guys are playing Project Barley in Lomita on Sunday June 2nd at 2pm?
Ben: We prefer not to get into specifics, but yes.

CBW: We understand this will be one of the most important shows the Virtual Campfire has ever done. Do you care to elaborate?
Mark: We wish we could. All we can do at this stage is confirm the importance.
Steve: We also can stress the importance.
Mark: Yes, that we can also stress the importance.

CBW: Is there any truth to the rumor that Smokey the Bear himself is going to leave the forest to attend this show in Lomita?
Chris: We can’t answer that. We wish we could, we just can’t.

CBW: What if a forest fire burns out of control due to carelessness, and it comes out the Smokey the Bear wasn’t telling people to be careful because he was at the Virtual Campfire show?
Brian: We are not here to get any bear in trouble. We just want to let the campfire fans know that this show is important. Really important. We really can’t say anymore.
Ben: And he’s not Smokey the Bear, he’s just Smokey Bear. Also, the creature commonly known as Frankenstein isn’t Frankenstein. It is really Frankenstein’s monster.
Steve: And Mama Cass did not die from a ham sandwich. Don’t blame the ham.

CBW: Will the great marshmallow shortage of the Spring of 2024 that is flooding all news coverage be addressed at your show? Is that why this show is so important?
Eric: Look, we all want marshmallows back in the store and back around campfires. And we would like to discuss exactly what we are doing to combat that. But we can’t.

CBW: One last question. Who put the itching powder in the sleeping bag at the last Virtual Campfire campout?
Mark: We are not authorized to discuss that incident any further. Not when there so many important things happening at this Virtual Campfire gig at Project Barley on Sunday June 2 at 2pm.

CBW: Final question. What about the children? Is anybody thinking about the children?
VC: (walks away)

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